- 2025.3.19 Our paper has been accepted to ACM GECCO2025. The first author is a second year graduate student in my lab. Congratulations to Korogi-san!
- Keisuke Korogi and Ryoji Tanabe: Analyzing the Landscape of the Indicator-based Subset Selection Problem, pdf, slides
- 2025.02.28 Our application has been accepted by the JSPS Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (B) (approx. 14,500,000 JPY for 2025-2029).
- Ryoji Tanabe (PI): A Self-adaptive Automated Algorithm Selection System for Black Box Optimization
- 2025.01.25 Our paper has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. The first author is a second year graduate student in my lab. Congratulations to Korogi-san!
- Keisuke Korogi, Ryoji Tanabe: Speeding up Local Search for the Indicator-based Subset Selection Problem by a Candidate List Strategy, pdf, supplement, code , link
- 2024.11.18 I have been ranked as the top 2% of the world’s scientists in 2023 in a list released by Stanford University. link.
- 2024.6.1 Our paper has been accepted to PPSN2024. Congratulations to Arnaud and Sébastien!
- Arnaud Liefooghe, Ryoji Tanabe, and Sébastien Verel: Contrasting the Landscapes of Feature Selection under Different Machine Learning Models. pdf, poster
- 2024.5.4 Our paper has been accepted to the GECCO 2024 Workshop Industrial Applications of Metaheuristics. Congratulations to Yoshikawa-san!
- Takushi Yoshikawa and Ryoji Tanabe: On Constructing Algorithm Portfolios in Algorithm Selection for Computationally Expensive Black-box Optimization in the Fixed-budget Setting. pdf, slides
- 2024.4.17 Our paper has been accepted to Applied Soft Computing.
- Ryoji Tanabe: Investigating Normalization in Preference-based Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization Using a Reference Point. pdf, link
- 2024.3.22 Our paper has been accepted to ACM GECCO2024:
- Ryoji Tanabe: Benchmarking Parameter Control Methods in Differential Evolution for Mixed-Integer Black-Box Optimization. pdf, code, data, slides
- 2024.02.09 I will participate in a Lorentz Center workshop “BeMCO: Benchmarking in Multi-Criteria Optimisation”.
Ryoji Tanabe, Ph.D.
Short Biography
I am currently an Associate Professor at Yokohama National University, Japan.
Previously, I was a Research Assistant Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology with Prof. Hisao Ishibuchi, China, from 2017 to 2019.
I was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at JAXA with Prof. Akira Oyama, Japan, from 2016 to 2017.
I received my Ph.D. in Science from The University of Tokyo, Japan, in 2016, under the supervision of Prof. Alex Fukunaga.
I received my M.S degree in Engineering from Sophia University, Japan, in 2013.
I received my B.S degree in Engineering from Sophia University, Japan, in 2011.
Research Interest
Evolutionary Computation